1.- Some techniques are more popular than others. What are they, and can you account for their popularity?
The most popular techniques are definition, description and examples, I think it is because that is the easiest and fastest way to teach vocabulary, provides basic information such as meaning or a simple example easy to understand for students.
2.- Are there techniques that are particularly appropriate for the presentation of certain types of words?
Absolutely yes for example when we speak of the precise and detailed definition of a word fully describe how you can make when talking about objects, places, etc. .. This is a good technique to use.
3.- Are there techniques which are likely to be more, or less, appropriate for particular learner populations (young/adult, beginner/advanced, different background cultures)?
Yes and this is important to consider if we want to teach a new vocabulary to students is essential to take into account their age, level of English you have, if they belong to different cultures, etc. Because according to all these factors will influence how they learn, because it will be easier for some than for others. For example on the issue of age is common in young children in a range of 8 to 12 years is much easier to teach through pictures or songs, that is, by totally didactic activities. And the other hand for adults probably is easier to acquire a new vocabulary by reading appropriate to a context and interesting and advanced topics.
4.- Do you, as an individual, find that you prefer some kinds of techniques and tend to avoid others? Which? And why?
Yes I do, of course, as we all think that there are some technical and others prefer to avoid, starting with the ones I prefer are illustration and Job Description are teaching techniques and we know that it is necessary to capture the attention of children especially when wanting to acquire a new vocabulary and what better than to talk about one word not enough with only one definition, but we show them a picture, and passes this image may also be accompanied by a good description to complement, and the otherwise the I avoid a bit is to provide a single definition having the possibility to accompany a good example.