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Students opinion

I did the survey a group of seven students and they gave me their personal opinion about the work of the teachers, and this survey was taken of “A course in language teaching” by Penny Ur

The most popular answers were Agree and Very much agree. I think is because the people that I asked was save with their answers because they have knowledge about this topic and they know about the difficulties, and finally was their so interesting in the same way.

The least popular options /answers were undecided the same way in the question before. I think this result means that as I said before these students surveyed are aware of the problems and needs of teachers and expect a change to improve performance.

I think this survey was very helpful to realize that although we are not interested and concerned about the future of education, their want changes.
I as a future teacher and as part of this society also wants to change and achieve these important goals that encourage students, giving them security and tools, as well as being a good role model.

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